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How to Save Water in a State of Drought

The new requirements will dictate how farmers obtain, use, and dispose of water for cannabis cultivation and are intended to protect “springs, wetlands, and aquatic habitats from the negative impacts of cannabis cultivation,” according to the state’s new cannabis cultivation policy.
“We do have a core commitment of ensuring that cannabis is the most sustainable crop grown in California,” he said.
And although rain may be a rarity in Southern California, it can be a key—and free—resource for growers farther north.
Systems can be programmed to a cultivator’s specific needs, minimizing the need for human monitoring and watering.
Costs vary considerably depending on type and scale of grow, and can range from the extremely basic—available on Amazon for about $40—to the highly complex and customized versions that cost well into the thousands for hydroponic grows.
Aquaponics You may be familiar with hydroponics, which involves growing plants without soil.
The arrangement eliminates the need for soil for your plants (as well as a filter for your fish tank) and uses a lot less water than many other types of grow operations.
While that water typically is discharged as waste, some cultivators have begun installing systems that capture the condensation and cycle it back into use.
At Southern California-based THC Design, for example, growers captures water from the HVAC system and dehumidifiers at the facility.
“Are we watering enough?

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