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24 biggest day zero water crisis concerns and questions answered

We need to design and manage these collection points in a way that makes sense.
In order to ensure effective implementation, the Disaster Risk Management team is labouring over questions such as: What range and size of containers will people choose to use; how will they carry these containers to and from the standpipe; what time of day will they come to the collection point; what transport will they opt to use to and from the collection point; how will families and neighbours organise themselves to collect water in a way that makes sense; who within the household or business will be designated to collect water and for how many people will they collect.
But if people in a lower-lying area do not stick to this allocation, people in higher-lying areas are affected.
Is the City’s water system sophisticated enough to selectively cut off areas and supply the water distribution points?
Water collection points, which will be one of the means of distributing water, have been located near reticulation points.
What plans does the City have for less able and vulnerable people to get water from Day Zero?
Smith: We are very aware that special provisions need to be made to ensure that all people are able to access water, particularly those who are physically unable to collect it from a water collection point.
This is anticipated to increase the efficiency of the water collection points and assist persons who are not physically able to carry water from water collection points.
Being connected to borehole water would mean that these schools would be able to keep their toilets operating even if they are not being supplied with water via the reticulation system.
Of interest is that Smith said: People will be able to collect water at any of the points; water will be free; identity documents will not be required; Disaster Management will provide some containers for people who don’t have, but people are expected to bring their own; 149 sites have been identified with each having 50 to 72 taps; each site’s hours will be determined by its person in charge and “vehicle sites will be monitored closely so that people don’t bring huge tanks and fill them.

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