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Strong thirsts in fragile countries: walking the water scarce path of refugees

Finding drinkable water is one of the first steps in your journey to a new home.
Water Scarce Cities Initiative Hosts Technical Workshop to Tackle Tough Water Issues The World Bank’s Water Scarce Cities Initiative (WSC) provides the unique opportunity for urban water practitioners, global thought leaders, and institutions to share solutions to such complex water security issues.
By bringing together stakeholders with first hand experiences with water scarcity in urban contexts, WSC is bringing to light solutions and strategies for survival in a water scarce world.
Realizing the common global need to improve resilience to demographic shocks, particularly in fragile contexts, the World Bank’s Water Scarce Cities Initiative (WSC) hosted the Second Technical Workshop in Beirut, Lebanon.
The workshop included presentations such as the Malta water security experience and a panel discussion on Urban Water Management Challenges and Approaches.
It is critical to preserve surface, ground- and transboundary water resources through water-related investments aimed at reversing the water insecurity and fragility cycle.
Ms. Lewis reflected on her experience with the workshop, as well as with the dynamics between water insecurity and fragility: “You have systems that are undergoing significant shocks constantly…so you really need an integrated approach because the system alone or these technical areas alone can’t handle the stress from each of these shocks…Trying to bring in the support from the local governments, from the INGO sector, or from the private sector, bringing these voices to the table will help significantly in hedging the risk of investing in water management strategies in fragile states.” Watch workshop interviews, view presentations, and the full agenda, all available on the Water Scarce Cities events and engagement page.
There is still more we can do to improve urban water security in fragile contexts.
Refugee and IDP numbers continue to increase worldwide, while pressure is mounting on finite water resources.
By sharing strategies for survival in a water scarce world, WSC casts new light on how urban areas in scarcity contexts can thrive in a finite resource world.

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