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WA sets goal to be plastic water bottle free school

PLEASANT — Wasatch Academy (WA) Sustainability Committee, made up of students and faculty, recently joined the growing movement to reduce the huge amount of waste caused by plastic bottles.
The “Ban the Bottle” campaign has since become a high priority for the committee.
Plastic pollution is one of the most significant burdens to the environment.
Believe it or not, enough plastic is discarded every year to circle the globe four times.
Even worse, it is estimated that 50 percent of the plastic on this planet is used only once before being thrown away.
Wasatch Academy currently provides bottled water for campus events in a number of settings.
It is the committee’s goal for the school to be a “plastic water bottle free school” by Sept. 1.
Committee members and the Development Office have set a goal to raise $24,500.
Funds raised through this campaign will be used to purchase and install 15 rapid bottle filling stations and provide every member of the school community a Wasatch Academy logo bottle.

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