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Plastic pollution from bottle to bin

For the last few weeks I’ve been looking at the problems posed by plastic pollution.
From the companies that make and use plastic bottles through to the people who pick up plastic litter on our canals.
As a director of a Midlands spring water firm said to me: "No one wants to take a glass bottle of water to the gym."
At Wenlock Spring in Shropshire they produce about 20 million bottles of water every year in the shadow of Wenlock Edge itself – that actually makes them a smaller player in the Midlands bottled water firmament.
The company has also found it hard to source acceptable recycled plastic and only found one firm that could supply the right material it needs for the new bottles.
The Norway way All of this shows up a bit of a problem with our plastics recycling.
Here, of course, we use kerbside recycling and that produces a complex mix of plastics that makes it much harder to extract the right material for a company like Wenlock Spring and their new bottles.
Although this switch to recycled plastic bottles will cost a company like Wenlock Spring in the short term, it hopes it will encourage others to follow its lead and increase demand for recycled plastic as a material.
As demand increases, that should start to push costs down and perhaps even lead to us looking again at how we collect and recycle plastic in this country.
Ironically, to tackle plastic pollution, one thing we could do as consumers is continue to buy products like bottled spring water – but make sure those bottles are made of recycled plastic.

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