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Mobile water stations to ease plastic bottle damage

A PAIR of mobile filtered drinking water stations will be used by Bellingen Shire Council to show its determination to eliminate as much plastic waste as possible.
They will be used at community events as an initiative to support local activities in an environmentally sustainable manner and are easily fitted to an existing tap.
Research shows Australians spend over $500 million on bottled water every year and the single use plastic bottles have a devastating impact, particularly when entering the marine environment where sea creatures are killed after mistaking theme for food.
Transportation of the bottled water burns fossil fuels and most PET bottles end up in landfill taking up to 1000 years to break down.
Bellingen Mayor, Cr Dominic King, said tap water has one per cent of the environmental impact of bottled water and encouraged use of the mobile stations.
"It is the healthy and environmental alternative to plastic bottled water and can limit the amount of waste disposed of by cutting down on the amount of single use plastic drink bottles used,” he said.
The water stations are available to anyone who is holding a community event and arrangements may be made by contacting 6655 7300.

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