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Massive main break brings DeKalb another day of water woes

Like thousands of her fellow DeKalb County denizens, Nancy Eilen woke up Wednesday morning, tried to turn on the water and sighed.
MORE: Live updates on the massive DeKalb County water break Thousands of people left home shower- or coffee-less, and traffic quickly became a mess.
She told her son, a freshman at Decatur High School, to stay in bed.
But the water main break disrupted business hours for other restaurants in the same shopping center and elsewhere.
At Lucky’s Burger & Brew, a sign taped to the front door alerted customers that the restaurant would delay its opening: “We apologize – due to a large water main break, we cannot in good conscious (sic) open and risk the health of our guests.
We are monitoring the situation and will open shortly after the County gets the repairs done and the Board of Health gives us the go ahead.” Lucky’s general manager Michael Livingston and six other employees had shown up for work as usual.
“Everybody is on their way back.
“It feels like it’s one thing after another after another in DeKalb County.
Grocery stores throughout the county were pilfered for water throughout the day.
“Obviously, the infrastructure needs some major overhauls.

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