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Homeowner information for safe drinking water after a flood

Do not use the well water for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or even bathing until you are satisfied that the water is not contaminated.
In order to ensure that the water is safe, the well should be disinfected, then the water should be tested to make sure pathogens have been completely eliminated.
If the well casing has been submerged in flood waters it is likely that the well water has become contaminated.
If the pump’s control box was submerged during the flood all electrical components must be dry before electrical service can be restored.
Emergency Disinfection of Wells that Have Been Flooded Before Disinfection: Check the condition of your well.
If you notice any damage, call a professional before the disinfection process.
Step 4 Add the total bleach required to 5 gallons of water in a clean bucket and slowly pour the bleach mixture in to the well casing.
Step 6 Turn on all cold water faucets in the home starting closest to the well, allow water to run until chlorine odor is detected and then turnoff the faucet.
Run the water until there is no longer a chlorine odor.
Step 9 Once you are convinced there is no longer bleach in the system you can collect a sample for bacteria testing, bottles are available at all Health Department offices.

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