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Non-profit gives out bottle water in St. Joseph families after lead was found in school’s water

"Why they can’t fix the pipes in the water so the kids won’t be missing so many days of school," said Denill Holmes.
Holmes is one of many parents in St. Joseph who are nervous.
“Some parents don’t want them at home."
She’s considering not sending her grandson to school on Monday because she thinks it’s still not safe there.
"I just told them don’t drink it and I’ll buy water and give it to them," she said.
"If we don’t know what they’re drinking at this high school or this elementary school here, then it’s putting our children’s lives at stake," Johnson said.
"At this point, it’s not just a St. Joseph issue, it’s a parish-wide issue,” said Janie Jones.
“So we need to make sure that every child in this parish has access to clean water at the schools."
The school board says they’ve replaced all the water fountains in the buildings, and have been flushing the water every day.
"Change the pipes, then put in the water," Johnson said.

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