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PM: Clean water access a foundation for community

Bula Vinaka and a very good morning to you all.
I’ve opened several water projects throughout the country in recent weeks, and I’ve been very proud to do so, because I believe that access to clean water for our people is absolutely fundamental to our future development and for the prosperity of our people.
And because of that commitment, we’ve opened new taps, just like this one, along with massive new water infrastructure projects all across Fiji over the past decade.
Under my leadership, we’ve brought the immeasurable benefits of clean drinking water to over 150,000 Fijians in rural communities.
As your Prime Minster, that is what I’m focussed on.
I’m not focussed on the mud-slinging we see from politicians in Fiji today.
Access to clean water is more than a building block of development, it is the rock-solid foundation upon which a community can grow and prosper.
Every Fijian deserves to live with the security and happiness that only clean water can provide; water that can be used for drinking, cooking, washing and keeping ourselves clean.
No family should wake up wondering where the water they need will come from.
We all know that is often Fijian women who bear the brunt of labour in providing clean water for their families and communities.

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