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Drought still impacting Kansas farmers despite rain

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – Recent rain is welcome, but Ben Winsor, a local farmer says it isn’t enough.
"It’s extremely disappointing, it’s like reaching for a piece of candy and you just don’t, you just don’t get it," he said.
Recent data from the state puts his farmland in Jefferson County under drought emergency.
"It’s hitting farmers in this region extremely hard," he said.
Dry weather means more work.
It also means tighter finances due to lower yields.
Lavell Winsor explained how farmers are coping.
"Most farmers at this point are hoping to break even," she said.
"This is the worst drought that we’ve had in our area in a few years, probably 2012 was the last drought we’ve had quite this bad."
"Especially if we can get some more rain, we could maybe have an okay crop on the soybeans."

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