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Droughts, and lack of water could become new norm in Utah

Video SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (News4Utah) – With every part of the Utah in drought and reservoirs noticeably lower, it’s forcing people to look at the states heavy water use.
Climate change is only adding to the problem with wet winters not happening as often.
The years of wet cycle that normally follows hasn’t been happening since around 1998.
"The average dry cycle is more like 3 to 7 years," said Pope.
After a dismal snow year the water issues are being easily noticed again.
"When we ask Utahns what things they’re worried about when it comes to growth, water is at the top of the list," said Bruening.
Envision Utah says we will need to build out our water infrastructure to hold more.
The Federal Government likely won’t be funding the majority of the projects.
"A lot of employers that we try to recruit actually use a lot of water, said Bruening.
Chief Meteorologist Dan Pope notes this year’s snowfall will have to be far above average.

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