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Work begins to improve Westport water

Town officials are looking at an assortment of water issues, including how the lack of public water and sewer services affects development along the roadway.
[PETER PEREIRA/THE STANDARD-TIMES/SCMG] By Jeffrey D. Wagner / The Herald News WESTPORT — There are some homes in town with unsafe drinking water.
There is nitrogen in the East Branch of the Westport River and failed septic systems in town, according to planning officials.
Town officials are mulling over these issues, and started with a standing-room only kickoff meeting with an engineering firm that is conducting an integrated water resource management plan.
Besty Frederick, a project leader with the engineering firm, led the meaning and framed it by stating the purpose right now is to identify problems and generate goals.
We will get back something to a working group and then back to selectmen for next fiscal year.” Frederick said the entire process will take around 11 months.
She mentioned that there will be other workshops, but right now the goal is simply to come up with goals.
Planning Board Vice Chairman Robert Daylor prefaced the meeting with that point, saying that engineers were looking for valuable input.
Frederick pressed officials and residents to come up with goals, and asserted that if the goals do not lead to results for the town, the entire process will be regarded as a failure.
Former Selectmen Antone Vieira Jr., a third-generation farmer, urged residents and officials to stop blaming farmers for some of the river issues.

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