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Daughter’s photo perfectly captures desperation of Aussie farmers

She captured the moment while the pair were feeding their bulls on Sunday morning.
After posting the image on social media, the pair have been sent kind messages from their friends — who said they hoped rain was on the way.
“Heartbreaking picture so hard to take after a lifetime of hard work,” wrote one of the commenters.
“Hope it rains soon.” Ms King explained that this level drought had never been seen in the area before.
“Never seen before, first time without water.” They both live on a fourth-generation, 2000-acre cattle farm and Ms King, a farmer and army veteran, said her old man still helps with farming.
“There’s just myself and my dad,” she told Yahoo7.
Foodbank was facing the prospect of cutting services for the needy after it lost $250,000 a year when the Government redistributed the relief budget to spread funds between three providers rather than two.
“I have listened and decided to increase the Food Relief budget by $1.5 million over the next 4.5 years,” Mr Morrison announced on Twitter on Tuesday.
OzHarvest, which became the third charity to receive government support, says the redistributed funds will allow it to provide 5.6 million meals next year.
Mr Morrison has also asked Social Services Minister Paul Fletcher to place more focus on delivering food relief in drought-affected areas.

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