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Water extension completed to Allegan Township’s spoiled wells

Work to link city water lines with several houses with contaminated wells in Allegan Township is complete.
Since a massive fire that destroyed Allegan Metal Finishing in March 2015 along M-89, three residential wells turned up levels of chromium that exceeded the 100 micrograms-per-liter drinking water limit set by the EPA.
The township spent $70,000 to cover the cost of the engineering for the project.
“We think that was well worth it,” Schulz said.
Schulz also said the township would also need to know the city’s connection fee.
There’s a lot of testing out there (AMFCO) by the EPA that has to be done.
Have to wait for all that detective work.” He also noted that neighboring Allegan Tubular, owned by some of the same family that had owned AMFCO, was served by bottled water and has expressed interest in connecting to city water.
Fence Township members also approved the low bid for white PVC fencing approximately 1,700 feet on three sides of the township-run Hudson Corners Cemetery.
A survey will need to be done first before the fence goes in.
Board member Jim Connell said, “Yeah, if we advertised it as free, we can’t charge for it.” Waanders said that, since costs to pay the private companies for the pickups depleted the township’s recycling funds, some will end up being covered by the township’s general fund.

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