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As historic drought ends, Californians vow to retain water-saving habits

He plans to keep the habits he picked up during the drought, he says.
“A year ago, I was saying that the drought had gone on for so long by recent historical standards that it was going to have a lasting impact on the way people thought about water conservation,” he says.
She stopped washing her car and watering her lawn.
“Even though I feel your personal use at an individual level has a nonexistent impact on the drought in California, it still has to be about people buying in,” Ms. Herren says.
But even some who don’t see themselves as especially eco-conscious have come out of the drought convinced that California will need to conserve for years to come.
“[Water] was so plentiful for so long that people got in the habit of washing their cars and letting the water run down the driveway and into the gutter.
“There should be conservation.
The framework recommends permanently banning wasteful practices such as watering lawns after rains and requiring water suppliers across the state to regularly report their water usage and conservation efforts.
“What this is about is how to be more efficient moving forward, so we’re more resilient in the face of climate change.” Some doubt that residents will keep conserving water, especially as rains flood parts of northern California and reveal extensive damage to the state’s water infrastructure.
Once formed, Marcus says, habits are hard to break.

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