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How taking a walk in Seattle can bring clean water to remote areas of the world

How taking a walk in Seattle can bring clean water to remote areas of the world.
When we want clean water, we just turn on the tap.
But some 650 million people around the world do not have access to clean water, and by the year 2025, half the world’s population will be living in what’s known as water-stressed areas.
In many countries, people walk miles to find water and lug it home, and in many cases it is dirty and disease-ridden.
International charity World Vision, based in Federal Way, develops ways to bring fresh water to struggling regions, and today they tell us how we can help, and it couldn’t be simpler.
Samuel Irungu from World Vision shared his own story of growing up in Kenya with little access to drinking water, as well as the work being done by World Vision to bring clean water to remote areas of the world.
He also previewed this weekend’s Global 6K for Water.
World Vision’s Global 6K for Water takes place at 9:00 am on Saturday, May 6th at Gas Works Park in Seattle.
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