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TBI Blogs: From Scarcity to Security – How a Remote Jharkhand Community Solved Its Drinking Water Problems

With around 80 households, Bador is a small village located in Godda district of Jharkhand. The population here consists of a primitive Paharia tribal community that is recognised as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG). Like any other PVTG, this Paharia community also led a life of hardship for several reasons, including drinking water scarcity. The village had hand pumps and wells, but due to its location on a hill slope, the hand pumps would only provide water for three months and then go dry for the rest of the year. The wells were open, and due to their location on the slope, all the dirt rolled down from the hill and entered the well. The community was left with no choice but to consume dirty water from the well as there was no other drinking water source. The population suffered from a range of health issues like jaundice and cholera. The village also suffered from high infant mortality rate. A team from WaterAid India (WAI) and SATHEE first visited the community in 2014, and engaged the community people to understand their challenges related to access to clean water, safe sanitation, and hygiene. The team organised a joint meeting involving…

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