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Steps to water sustainability

Steps to water sustainability.
Equality and equity in the distribution of safe water is a basic human right every state needs to protect.
There are an estimated 16 million Pakistanis who don’t have access to clean drinking water.
The country was also recently declared ‘water scarce’ to which the government has yet to take any substantive measures for conservation or sustainability.
Here everyone is in contract with some private water company or another for regular cash on delivery-bottled water.
Much like the ‘milkman’, here in urban Pakistan, households have their very own ‘waterman’.
Our most common source of water exists in absenteeism of strong government legislation or ecological responsibility from individual citizens, naturally paving the way for exploitation from private companies.
In Pakistan, the issue of water is dominated by politics and mismanagement.
There is a dire need for monitoring mechanisms, and conceivable apparatus to ensure every citizen has access to safe water, and learns to use it responsibly in sync with government policy.
If we leave water conservation to the “waterman”, then their modes of extraction will not be based on the building of a sustainable water supply for all, but on the desire to constantly increase profit margins.

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