An infrastructure priority: Ensuring safe drinking water

An infrastructure priority: Ensuring safe drinking water.
While that’s an important part of our nation’s infrastructure, an often-overlooked component is our drinking water delivery systems.
Just as roads and bridges create stable communities and economies, so does safe, clean drinking water.
While drinking water quality does remain high across the country, the recent crisis in Flint, Michigan, should serve as a stark reminder that more can, and should, be done so communities can effectively and efficiently pipe safe drinking water to peoples’ homes.
Instead of waiting to react to the next crisis, the Energy and Commerce Committee, which I chair, has been hard at work on legislation to ensure that Americans across the country have access to clean drinking water.
3387, the Drinking Water System Improvement Act.
3387 authorizes $8 billion over five years for the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund Program — a federal-state partnership to help assist states in ensuring the quality of water Americans drink remains high.
Doing this is an important step in ensuring the quality of our water and provides us with the tools we need to monitor water quality in real time.
Rep. Greg Walden, Oregon Republican, is Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
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