Big Hole group updates drought management plan
Big Hole group updates drought management plan.
According to Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, river and tributary flows basin-wide have been near double of median flow this time of year and the entire basin average snowpack is 110 percent of average.
But in the event of a hot, dry summer, the committee’s drought management plan coordinates voluntary action for irrigators and water users to reduce water use, maintain minimum river flows and, for the fishing community, to reduce fishing to protect the river.
If conditions decline over the summer, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will begin enforcement of fishing restrictions to further protect the fishery based on high water temperature, low flow or both.
The plan divides the Big Hole River into five sections.
Actions are determined by water temperature and flow measured in five locations.
The plan was established in the late 1990s and is reviewed annually and updated as needed.
As part of the plan, the committee funds three USGS real-time temperature gauges for the stations Big Hole River-Wise River at Dickey Bridge, Notch Bottom, and Maiden Rock from July 1 to September 30 at $3,600 a year and also sponsors four upper Big Hole River USGS flow gauges.
Visit the “River Conditions” page on the website for the plan, interactive map, current conditions, restrictions, forecasting, and more.
For additional information, visit or 406-960-4855.