Bringing hope to drought survivors in Kenya

Alan Whelan 19 June 2018 Trócaire supporters are helping to bring hope to survivors of drought in Kenya, where we have provided emergency aid to over 27,000 people.
This has improved access to water for both livestock and for human consumption.
Thanks to the support of the Irish public, Trócaire’s has been able to respond to the crisis, providing water, food and cash.
This drought has killed millions of the livestock that people depend on for their survival.
Trócaire has been distributing food aid and cash transfers in Turkana through the Diocese of Lodwar.
The food packages she received from the Diocese of Lodwar have been vital for her to survive.
Without his livestock he has had no way to provide for himself.
He told us that previous cash support he received was crucial for his survival.
She says she prefers cash instead of food support.
As an elderly person she needs to buy food that is appropriate for her needs.

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