Climate Change And Drought Killing Trees Around The World Including The Ancient Baobabs Of Africa
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Climate Change, Droughts Impacting Forests And Trees Sequoias, the world’s largest trees by volume and thousands of years old, are no longer as resilient because of climate change.
As droughts occur, other species of trees nearby suck up the water stored on the ground, which leaves the sequoias susceptible to dying.
A 2017 study suggested that a large number of trees are dying because of warmer temperatures and drought.
Severe droughts are likewise killing several species of trees in India’s tropical forests and pines trees in China.
Now, the mysterious death of some of the oldest and biggest baobab trees in Africa over the past 12 years is also possibly linked to climate change.
Ancient Baobab Trees Are Dying Adrian Patrut of the Babeș-Bolyai University in Romania started to notice the death of the ancient baobab trees amid efforts to use radiocarbon dating to estimate the age of major baobab trees.
"We report that 9 of the 13 oldest and 5 of the 6 largest individuals have died, or at least their oldest parts/stems have collapsed and died, over the past 12 years; the cause of the mortalities is still unclear," the researchers reported in a study published in the journal Nature Plants on June 11.
Mysterious Die-Off Possibly Caused By Climate Change Patrut and colleagues suspect that the die-off of the ancient trees may be caused by climate change.
They think that the trees are dying partly because of changes in climate conditions that particularly impacted South Africa.