Culligan International Supports National Drinking Water Month

Culligan International Supports National Drinking Water Month.
ROSEMONT, Ill., May 2, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — With concerns about our water quality in North America growing, this year’s National Drinking Water Month is more relevant than ever.
Culligan International, a world leader in the treatment of water, is doing their part by offering consumers helpful information on the importance of clean drinking water through their ongoing "Truth About Water" campaign.
While many naturally occurring chemicals and impurities from local land practices can be filtered at the source, unsafe amounts of lead can enter water from lead service pipes.
Because water contamination can happen at any time and/or through a local municipality, an underground well or a homeowner’s own pipes, it is important to have your water tested by a water expert who can determine the necessary steps to eliminate any harmful impurities that may be present.
While testing can be done at any time, Culligan recommends scheduling a water test especially after moving into a new house, if appliances that use water are collecting residue or burning out, and as soon as you notice a change in your water’s taste, odor or appearance.
Well water should also be tested whenever any changes in your water such as color, taste, odor or cloudiness are noticed.
For more information about Culligan water treatment products, including water softeners, drinking water systems, whole-house systems and solutions for business, or to find your local Culligan representative visit
About Culligan Cares Established in 2005 as a partnership between Culligan International and Culligan dealers across North American, Culligan Cares supports individuals, families and communities in need of clean, safe water around the world.
Culligan’s products include water softeners, drinking water systems, whole-house systems and solutions for business.

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