Delta Stewardship Council Votes to Approve Delta Plan Amendments

Fails to meet state mandates, says Restore the Delta From Restore the Delta: The Delta Stewardship Council (DSC) endorsed proposed conveyance and storage amendments to the Delta Plan today.
These agencies have demanded that the Council take actions to endorse the Delta Tunnels project, and that’s what the amendments do.” “If the DSC decides eventually to integrate these conveyance and storage amendments as currently drafted into the Delta Plan as proposed, progress on protecting the San Francisco-Bay Delta will be set back decades.
Under no scenario, could an isolated diversion project like the Delta Tunnels be built and operated in a manner that would leave the Delta environment and communities intact.” U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Sonoma County Water Agency sign $6.3 million cost-sharing agreement for Dry Creek Project Corps will pay 75% of costs for habitat enhancement work in 2018 (Santa Rosa, CA) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the Sonoma County Water Agency (Water Agency) signed an agreement this week on a cost-sharing agreement for construction of a $6.3 million portion of the Dry Creek Habitat Enhancement Project.
To date, nearly two miles of habitat enhancement work has been completed, with another half mile of work under contract for construction in 2017.
The agreement with the Corps will add an additional third of a mile of construction in 2018.
The Russian River Biological Opinion requires habitat enhancement of six miles of Dry Creek to improve summer rearing conditions for endangered coho salmon and threatened steelhead while allowing the Water Agency to maintain existing flows in Dry Creek for water supply purposes.
“Signing this Project Partnership Agreement brings us one step closer toward achieving the goals of the Russian River Biological Opinion.” The habitat enhancement project is part of the Russian River Biological Opinion that requires the Water Agency to enhance six miles of the 14-mile length of Dry Creek in order to slow the high water velocity in the creek, which was found to be detrimental to the survival of young Coho salmon and steelhead.
To learn more about the Dry Creek Habitat Enhancement Project, please visit Weekly Water and Climate Update: Record breaking temperatures across the Southwest this week From the USDA: The Natural Resources Conservation Service produces this weekly report using data and products from the National Water and Climate Center and other agencies.
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——————— About News Worth Noting: News Worth Noting is a collection of press releases, media statements, and other materials produced by federal, state, and local government agencies, water agencies, and academic institutions, as well as non-profit and advocacy organizations.

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