Drought conditions improve but more rain needed

WICHITA COUNTY, Tx (RNN Texoma) – February’s rain and ice played a role in getting Wichita County out of severe drought conditions but strong winds and warm weather are drying out the soil.
Graf said two inches of moisture the county got from last month’s rain may not last long because of the weather.
"Ideally if we didn’t have a lot of wind and the temperatures weren’t really high, that would last for two to three weeks."
"There would hardly be a harvest if we don’t continue to get some rain as dry as we are," Graf said.
Don Crook,87, and his son Bryan,62, are Childress farmers and ranchers.
They said because of the dry soil makes it difficult for farmers without irrigation to have a wheat harvest.
"This rain will help with the next crop growing in," Vale said.
"It’s too dry," Bryan said.
Bryan said he just wants one thing to help all farmers and ranchers.
He also said if there is no significant rain in one month than Wichita County will be back to severe drought conditions.

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