Drought continues to shift across Texas, TWDB says
Drought continues to shift across Texas, TWDB says.
Drought and abnormally dry conditions retreated back throughout Texas last week as the state entered the middle of one of its wetter months, the Texas Water Development Board said Monday in its weekly water report.
This update comes after drought conditions have shifted back and forth for several weeks.
Mixed rainfall over the past week suggests more of a mixed bag for the next report.” Despite the improvements across the state, conditions locally remained mostly unchanged in this week’s report.
Grayson County was also described as experiencing “abnormally dry” conditions, however areas along the Red River saw some improvement and are no longer considered to be in a state of drought.
On average, Grayson County normally sees about 4.74 inches of rainfall, however only 0.74 inches of rain has fallen at the Denison Dam, Meteorologist Jesse Moore said.
The region is likely to remain dry for at least the next week, with little to no chance for rain in the forecast, Moore said.
The next chance for meaningful rain will likely come late next week, he said.
There is a slight chance for rain Thursday, Moore added, but current forecasts expect the storm system to break up before it enters the region.
Mace said the Climate Prediction Center is currently predicting neutral conditions for the remainder of the year, dubbing it “La Nada.”