E4: Adaptation to Global Water Shortages

Una serie de proyectos han surgido para redesarrollar las céntricas áreas que rodean a este río.
El temor es que los nuevos parques produzcan una "gentrificación verde."
Whether they are researching the pace of Alaskan glacier melt or measuring the impact of Arctic sea ice changes on our our weather, climate scientists go to some of the most remote areas on Earth to help us understand our environment.
Environmentalists say this gas boon threatens water supplies and pollutes air.
Whether they are researching the pace of Alaskan glacier melt or measuring the impact of Arctic sea ice changes on our our weather, climate scientists go to some of the most remote areas on Earth to help us understand our environment.
Environmentalists say this gas boon threatens water supplies and pollutes air.
Whether they are researching the pace of Alaskan glacier melt or measuring the impact of Arctic sea ice changes on our our weather, climate scientists go to some of the most remote areas on Earth to help us understand our environment.
Environmentalists say this gas boon threatens water supplies and pollutes air.
Whether they are researching the pace of Alaskan glacier melt or measuring the impact of Arctic sea ice changes on our our weather, climate scientists go to some of the most remote areas on Earth to help us understand our environment.
Environmentalists say this gas boon threatens water supplies and pollutes air.

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