Flashback to April 2010

Flashback to April 2010.
These posts are still relevant after 7 years!
Earth Day according to George Carlin (but We can learn from savages) Futuristic plastic is present-day pollution, My talk on oil and water in SoCal and The Story of Bottled Water (is wrong) Food Inc — The Review.
Plus Travelblog: Unsustainable agriculture in NZ, Water Policy in Spain — The (mini) Review and Floral externalities (true, even though the carbon footprint of growing flowers in Africa and flying them to the Netherlands is lower) Tolerance – The Dutch are not the same as Californians (and vice versa!)
I’m in the right club (i.e., water MDGs are poorly defined and hard to achieve).
Related (a human right to water): Forbes and the market for ideas, Bureaucratic goals and others obligations and Clean water for Nigerians Co-equal fiction — and realistic solutions (my solution to California’s "Delta problem").
Related: MWD says pricy water is cheap and 20×2020 is wrongheaded and doomed to fail Anti-Westlands hysteria and Westlands is lying The US can improve — still true, in so many small ways Water managers don’t look for bargains probably b/c they don’t pay attention to Poll Results — Water Solutions which leads to California desalination costs over $2,000/af*.
Better to restrict demand: Bolinas Water Meters to prevent Cheap water for the rich means less water for the poor (due to Water is scarce because ideas are scarce, e.g., Politics, lies and opportunism) The sorrow of West Virginia — seems to be ongoing, qua Trump and opiate deaths A Modest Proposal for Carbon (Chinese hunger and US obesity).
Related (the children!
): Dear Pope — It’s a Catholic problem I’ve changed my mind on these Hail James!

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