Gov. Daugaard issues state Of emergency for drought conditions
Daugaard issues state Of emergency for drought conditions.
Dennis Daugaard has declared a statewide emergency because of the ongoing drought conditions in South Dakota.
As part of the State of Emergency, the state will ease haying and transportation restrictions to assist agriculture producers.
Effective immediately, farmers and ranchers may cut and bale state highway ditches adjacent to their property across the entire state.
For safety reasons, mowing in the medians of divided four-lane highways is prohibited and a permit is still required for mowing interstate right-of-ways.
Producers are also reminded to be watchful of traffic along the highways and to always yield to oncoming traffic.
With the emergency drought disaster declaration federal trucking regulations are waived for the transportation of goods such as hay.
FMCSA regulations ranging from 390-399 are waived for the next 30 days.