HARARE CITY To Remove Human Waste From Drinking Water

Originally posted on October 18, 2016


The troubled Harare city council has launched a 100 day service delivery improvement strategy targeted at purifying the human waste contaminated water.

Harare city council is not only failing to provide adequate water to residents, but also struggling to purify the scarce precious liquid it pumps to the people’s houses.

The water, Harare city council pumps to residents is undrinkable and produces an unpleasant smell.

At a recent residents’ meeting a senior official Local Government official confessed that she was not consuming Harare water.

Part of the 100 day service delivery improvement strategy the, Bernard Manyenyeni, led Harare city council tasked itself with, is to reduce water pollution from the current 2.5 milligrams per litre to 2 milligrams per litre by the end of the year.

Harare city council which started water rationing in May also said they wanted to increase supply and access to portable water from the current 45% to 55 %.

They also said they wanted to revise their refuse collection schedule from current 60% to 90% by the end of this year.

“If water is available we will be able to eliminate water borne diseases, residents and stakeholders will pay, if refuse is collected, the City will be clean and habitable, if there is proper planning, we will not have illegal settlements and if the one stop shop for issuance of municipal licenses is created, business will comply, the process will be less cumbersome and the City will get much needed revenue,” said Local Government minister ,Saviour Kasukuwewere ,who was guest speaker at the launch of the strategy dubbed “ 1st One Hundred Day Rapid Results Initiative” in, Harare, last week.

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