Hold the GenX: Leland restaurant switches to bottled water for cooking

Turk and Emmy Dogan are the owners of the Gusto Grille in Leland and they don’t have a problem admitting to a little character flaw.
"When we opened the restaurant, our policy was if we don’t eat something then we won’t serve it," Dogan explained.
We don’t put any crazy things in it, no colors, unknown things, no dyes.
We like eating our own food, and if there is a kind of water that I’m not going to drink, then it’s not going into my cooking," Dogan explained.
The new sign is starting to get noticed by locals and those visiting the area.
"We walked up to the restaurant today and that sign struck me as odd.
"I think what they are doing shows that they care."
We are even going to make sure when we build our home that we put a water filtration system in," said Danny Dempsey.
Dogan says he hopes other restaurants in the area continue to take notice and stand up too.
"They always cook with the best ingredients and then when GenX came around and Turk said ‘You know what, I’m not using tap water,’ right then we knew this family was very health conscious.

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