India’s Water Crisis


  • 77 million lack access to safe water
  • 769 million lack access to improved sanitation
  • 58% of the total population lives on less than US$3.10 per day


  • programs started in 2005
  • 11 WaterCredit programs
  • 796,997 WaterCredit loans disbursed
  • Approximately US$133.7 million provided in loans
  • 3.4 million people reached


The Water & Sanitation Crisis in India

India is the second most populous country in the world, with more than 1.2 billion citizens. Roughly half of India’s population, a staggering 569 million, practice open defecation.

The World Bank estimates that 21 percent of communicable diseases in India are linked to unsafe water and the lack of hygiene practices. Further, over 500 children under the age of five die each day from diarrhea in India alone.

With its strong microfinance sector and extensive need for improved water supply and sanitation solutions, India provides one of the greatest opportunities for to scale WaterCredit. Monitor Deloitte estimates that the rural sanitation market in India is worth US$25 billion.


Since 2003, has played a significant role in India’s progress towards improved water, sanitation and hygiene. Through WaterCredit, we have reached more than 3.4 million people across 12 states with safe water and sanitation. By partnering with different types of organizations including microfinance institutions, self-help group federations, housing finance corporations, commercial banks, payment banks, social enterprises and the Government of India, is mobilizing resources and sharing knowledge to increase access to improved sanitation and safe water.

*Additional Source:

Monitor Deloitte (2015): A market led, evidence based, approach to rural sanitation.

Updated January 2017 program data through September 2016


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