Letter: John H. Schultz: The day is coming when water will be privatized
I’ve been fascinated for years about our access to fresh drinking water, and I see a trend coming that will eventually lead to a declaration of “privatized water.” Once water becomes “privatized,” it will no longer be recognized as a civil right.
When this happens, I won’t be around any longer, but my grandchildren and their progeny may still be here when a gallon of water may have the same value as a week’s work.
Water is not a foodstuff, but it is a necessity.
You can live for weeks without food, but your life can end in a matter of days without drinkable water.
If potable water is not delivered by your local community, there is no alternative worldwide, except for occasional river and spring water or well water.
In the absence of potable water, supermarket water may become overly expensive.
For the past half century or more, water has been an essential “right” in many communities in the U.S. and in others around the world.
However, that “right” doesn’t bother people who see water only as a profitable commodity.
It has become common to see international corporations buying up water rights around the world.
John H. Schultz Providence