Michigan ends free bottled water program for Flint residents — City officials criticize move: 5 things to know
Michigan will no longer provide Flint residents free bottled water because lead levels in the city’s water supply have not exceeded federal limits for two years and are now comparable or better than lead levels in other Michigan cities, Republican Gov.
Here are five things to know.
"Since Flint’s water is now well within the standards set by the federal government, we will now focus even more of our efforts on continuing with the health, education and economic development assistance needed to help move Flint forward.
I remain steadfast in that commitment."
City officials, including Flint Mayor Karen Weaver, took issue with the decision.
Contractors are currently working to change all of the water lines identified for replacement after the city’s water crisis by 2020.
"Additionally, the medical community has continuously raised questions as to how special populations, including nursing and bottle-feeding mothers, will receive bottled water while massive pipe replacement work is ongoing."
Over the weekend, long lines of residents looking to claim the remaining free water formed outside these centers, which have been distributing water to residents since January 2016, according to the Times.
The Mayor’s office said April 6 it anticipated the remaining supply of free bottled watered would be completely depleted over the weekend.
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