Precautionary boil water notice in Panama City for Kings Harbour area
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) – A precautionary boil water notice has been issued for part of Panama City.
City workers say due to emergency water main repairs on Thursday, the notice has been issued for this area.
The precautionary water boil notice will be in effect until the water tests come back showing the water is safe to drink.
-Using a disinfecting chemical.
If you cannot boil water, you should put eight (8) drops of common household bleach which is about 1/8th teaspoon, into one (1) gallon of tap water, then shake it, and allow it to stand for 30 minutes before drinking.
There should be a slight chlorine odor.
Use food grade containers.
Don’t use bleach that has perfume scents added.
-Using water purification tablets or iodine that many sports and camping stores sell.
-You can also buy commercial bottled water for consumption and food preparation.