SD farmers worry about crops as drought conditions continue

SD farmers worry about crops as drought conditions continue.
(NBC News) – Dry conditions in South Dakota have prompted Governor Dennis Daugaard to activate the State Drought Task Force and farmers across the state can’t get a break from the sunshine.
It started out good for lifelong Miller farmer JD Wangsness.
This year had the makings of a good one with calving and getting crops in the ground.
The lack of moisture, the duration of time it has been since we’ve had moisture."
Wangsness said, "If it starts to rain, I don’t think we would come up with as good of crop as we normally would.
But until we get some rain, it’s just sitting there not doing a lot."
Plus, you lose your factories so it’s not the best thing to be doing."
Going forward, the only thing farmers like Wangsness can do, is hope for a little help from mother nature.
Just plan for the worst and hope for the best."

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