Shelbyville water safe, tests show

Shelbyville’s drinking water source is Duck River.
According to the 2018 Shelbyville Water Quality Report, which is available for public viewing on the Shelbyville Water and Sewerage website, the answer is “yes.” “We’re proud that your drinking water meets or exceeds all Federal and State requirements,” the 2018 report states.
By all Environmental Protection Agency standards, there are no known health risks related to Shelbyville’s water source, which this community has depended on for over 70 years.
For that reason, Shelbyville Water, like all public water systems, is required to provide its water compliance report online each year.
The plants must have those certifications renewed under state regulations every three years.
Operation is currently at a capacity of 10 million gallons a day.
There are also regulations for companies that produce bottled water.
While the city water plant takes great responsibility in meeting the standards set for health regarding its water supply, the company also states that it has no control over contaminants that might come through service lines and components, such as old pipes and systems within someone’s home.
Over 286 million Americans get their tap water from a community water source.
The CDC, however, does publicize on its website that sources of drinking water are subject to contamination.

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