Sustainable Groundwater Management Program News

From the Department of Water Resources, Sustainable Groundwater Management Program: Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Formation As of May 2, 2017: 188 local agencies (including coordinated efforts by a combination of local agencies) have submitted GSA formation notifications.
Of the 301 separate areas: 127 are exclusive GSA areas; 71 have a non-overlapped notification within a 90-day period; and 103 have overlap to resolve.
All GSA notifications can be submitted, viewed, and managed within the SGMA Portal: Contact: Mark Nordberg: or (916) 651-9673 Facilitation Support Service DWR provided facilitation support services through professional facilitators to help local agencies address pivotal issues in GSA formation.
DWR is seeking input on facilitation support service for better understanding of the local needs as the GSAs progress towards Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) development.
To find out about facilitation service opportunities that may be available, Contact: A Newsletter about Funding and Technical Assistance In line with DWR’s commitment to support Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) and stakeholders throughout SGMA implementation, DWR will be providing periodic SGMA Implementation Assistance Updates.
Contact: Hong Lin, or (916) 653-6353 Technical Assistance Providing technical assistance to GSAs will be crucial to enabling their success in sustainably managing their groundwater basins.
Contact: Steven Springhorn or (916) 651-9273 Basin Reprioritization SGMA requires DWR to reassess the priority of the state’s groundwater basins when the basin boundaries defined in Bulletin 118 are modified.
DWR is in the process of updating the basin priorities.
January 1, 2018 – Submission Period opens o During this 3 month window, GSAs and local agencies can submit the required information to support a Basin Boundary Modification in the BBMRS on the SGMA Portal
March 31, 2018 – Submission Period Closes and 30-day Public Comment Period opens o All information to support a boundary modification should be submitted to the BBMRS April 1, 2018 – Public Comment Period Closes o DWR begins boundary modification requests and public comments Approximately July 2018 – Draft Basin Boundary Modifications released Approximately August 2018 – Final Basin Boundary Modifications released Contact: Tim Godwin or (916) 651-9223 SGMA Definitions and Groundwater Glossary SGMA provided California with a roadmap for sustainably managing our groundwater, and it also came with its own lexicon.

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