Water main break in Manheim causes boil water advisory

A large water main break has occurred on Elwyn Terrace.
Properties on South Main Street, Manheim, from Twin Kiss south to The Shack, as well as properties on Elwyn Terrace, Manheim are affected.
A boil water advisory is in effect.
Customers may not have water service during the repair.
When water is restored, customers are reminded to boil all drinking water and water for washing dishes if you do not use a dish washer, from now until Wednesday, February 6.
Allow the water to cool before using.
Showering is not hazardous, and the boil is specifically for consumption precaution.
To limit risk, customers should follow the above instructions.
This advisory is in effect from today, February 2, through Wednesday, February 6, and until the Authority, and other agencies where appropriate, can determine the work has not negatively affected your drinking water.
The Authority will follow testing regulations regarding site sampling, and estimate that the Boil Water Advisory will end, on Wednesday, February 6.

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